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Required Configuration Settings

Configuring Required settings is a critical step that allows you to define the basic framework of your migration.

You are creating a Configuration (a collection of settings) to be applied to a set of Users during a migration. Many operators create multiple Configurations to use with different Users, or with different migrations.

A common migration methodology for larger scale migrations is to pre-migrate email for a set of users leading up to an MX cutover, update MX records, and then migrate Calendars, Contacts and Tasks in a single run after the cutover (these items generally don’t dedup well, so it’s recommended you don’t pre-migrate them before the cutover. After they have completed, perform a delta run of email to capture the small subset of email that came in after the initial pre-cutover migration of email.

For this type of scenario you would create a Configuration for email only, and then a separate Configuration for Calendars, Contacts and Tasks, while applying these different Configurations to the same set of Users.

  1. Name your Configuration

  2. Data Types you want to migrate during a specific migration:

    • Email
    • Contacts
    • Calendar
    • Tasks/To-Do Items
  3. Authentication Protocol used to migrate each Data Type

    Note: We have defaulted to the recommended protocol. No changes to the Authentication Protocols are recommended without first contacting us.

If we default to, or you select different Protocols for different Data Types that are enabled in this Configuration, you will be prompted below for authentication credentials for each protocol.

Authentication Credentials

Admin Credentials
If you selected Admin credentials when creating your Project, you will need to input the credentials for your Admin account. We recommend you Verify that your credentials are correct before moving on, although this step is optional.

End-User credentials
If you selected End-User credentials when creating your Project, you likely will not need to input any additional credentials. However, we recommend you Verify that your credentials are correct before moving on, although this step is optional.

Edit (Clone) Configuration

Once you have started a migration with a Configuration, that Configuration is locked and no longer editable. However, to change a specific Configuration’s settings or values (for use in a subsequent migration), it’s recommended you Clone the Configuration.

Once you Clone the Configuration, you can then edit and update necessary Configuration settings to be used in a subsequent migration.