Google Workspace Training / End-User
Calendar features for the End-User
Below are select Google Calendar features that users should be aware of when transitioning to Google Workspace from another platform.
For additional Calendar training materials, view Google’s Calendar training and help.
Important Google Calendar features
Main differences: Outlook v. Google Calendar
- If you’ve switched from Microsoft Outlook to Google Workspace, learn how the primary features differ between platforms.
- Get Calendar on your devices
- (Optional) Add multiple Google accounts
- Create a browser bookmark
- Add a Calendar desktop shortcut
- Change how you see your calendar
- Color-code calendars and events
- Change calendar time zones
- Add another time zone
- Create a new event
- Add guests to an event
- Find a time that suits all guests
- Add a room to an event
- Add files to an event
- Add a video-meeting link to an event
- Respond to an event
- Add a note to your response or propose a new time
- Set event notifications
- Remove event notifications
- Create repeating events
- Email guests from a Calendar event
- Find an event
- Copy an event to a different calendar
- Decline events during out-of-office dates (Out of office)
- Restore a deleted event
- Change an event owner
- Add a co-worker’s calendar
- Create shared calendars
- Share or delegate your calendar
- Create a mailing group for events
Get Calendar productivity tips
- Create tasks in Calendar
- Get your daily agenda in your inbox
- Use filters to move Calendar responses out of your Gmail inbox
- Set working hours
- Add appointment slots to Calendar