Maximize end-user efficiency!
Platform Specific Training Solutions
Increase productivity & add organizational value
Over 44,000 hours of videos
watched by users worldwide
Over 37,000 live sessions
hosted by training experts
Over $18,240,000
worth of ROI realized
Frequently asked questions
Each 1-hour session includes 40-45 minutes of general overview curriculum and 15-20 minutes of Q&A. If the session is a designed Q&A session, the entire 1 hour is dedicated to Q&A.
All live sessions are scheduled at a mutually agreement time slot for both parties. Transend does perfrom training during non-US buiness hours to ensure customers around the globe are supported at a time that works best for its user base.
Absolutely! All live sessions are recorded and may be distributed to all users (for internal usage purposes). They can also be added to your Learning Portal.
All trainers are US-based industry experts with real-world Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace experience. They are passionate about helping organizations get the most out of the email environments, and are skilled at tailoring training curriculum to different learning styles, job responsibilities and organizational preferences.
Yes, robust reporting functionality allows your admins to track employee progress and completion. The Learning Portal also provides resources that generate reports to help organizations measure the effectiveness of their training programs.
Absolutely! Contact Transend to learn about flexible and customizable training bundles that will meet your specific needs at a cost that makes sense.
Transend provides technical support to help organizations resolve any issues that may arise training sessions. If you have experienced technical challenges with training in the past, we can also help pro-actively test and configure for success. Your complete satisfaction is our goal.