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File Migration Methodologies

If your project scope includes a file migration, the following considerations are important to understand.

Single-pass migration

By default, Transend performs file migrations in a single-pass directly after the Cutover is completed. If you require a staged migration that includes a pre-Cutover migration pass followed by a post-Cutover delta migration pass, please contact your project manager. A staged file migration may result in the duplication of files. Aadditional fees are required to adjust Transend’s default single-pass file migration methodology.

Copy operation

By default, Transend will create replicas of source files and copy them into the target drive. Files will continue to exist in the source drive after migration. All files will be migrated into the target drive as Microsoft file formats.

Note: The only exception is the available Move operation when migrating between Google Workspace tenants. The Google Drive-to-Google Drive Move operation requires additional fees.

Sharing Permissions

Unless it is specifically defined otherwise in your Project Plan, it is Customer’s responsibility to recreate file and/or folder permissions in the target after the file migration has completed.

Transend does not migrate file/folder sharing permissions between Google Shared Drives and/or SharePoint document libraries (only available in Enterprise Professional Services projects).

Select file and folder sharing permissions can be migrated between User Drives (My Drive/OneDrive), to be defined in your Project Plan. Shortcuts must be recreated in the target by Customer.

If your Project Plan defines that sharing permissions are to be preserved in target User Drives, the following considerations are important to understand:

Platform specific considerations:

Microsoft OneDrive notifications

By default, Microsoft 365 sends email notifications to users when files they own in OneDrive are shared with external users. If permissions are maintained when migrating files to OneDrive, this can cause a notification storm being sent to the OneDrive owner during migration.

To prevent this notification storm during migration, Transend will temporarily disable notifications in the target tenant by running a PowerShell command to disable the “NotifyOwnersWhenItemsReshared” setting.

When your project is complete, Transend will re-enable the “NotifyOwnersWhenItemsReshared” notification setting back to its original state. If you do not want Transend to temporarily disable notifications in your tenant, please contact your project manager.