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Date Range Filters

All data in a mailbox will migrate by default. To migrate only select data that falls within a defined date range, customize your configuration with a Date Range Filter.

Email Date Range Filter
One side of the date range can be left blank to include all items starting from a date (if only the start date is set), or all items up to a date (if only the end date is set).

The following example would only migrate email sent/received between January 1, 2020 and September 13, 2023.

Alt text

The next example would migrate all email sent/received from January 1, 2020 and beyond.

Alt text

The next example would migrate all email sent/received up to September 13, 2023.

Alt text


  • Date Filters applied to Calendars or Tasks can be found in the Advanced Options tab. Because of complexities associated with recurrence patterns, we do not recommend setting Calendar or Task date filters.